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Ανακαλύψτε τα στυλ επίπλωσης της Scavolini και εμπνευστείτε από την επιλογή μας από κουζίνες, σαλόνια, μπάνια, ιματιοθήκες armadio και πολυλειτουργικά συστήματα, και διασκεδάστε αναμιγνύοντας έπιπλα διαφορετικού στυλ για ακόμα πιο πρωτότυπες και εξατομικευμένες συνθέσεις.
Σχεδιασμός & Στυλ
The new Misfits Bathroom collection
Industrial inspiration for the relaxation area designed by Scavolini and Diesel Living. Design and fashion showcase the best of Made in Italy.
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Σχεδιασμός & Στυλ
A dream versatile bathroom
More room for the bathroom to accommodate multiple uses and functions. 4 furnishing proposals for the relaxation area (and more)!
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Σχεδιασμός & Στυλ
An all-Italian Living Room
Living rooms and living areas that reflect Italian style and taste. Living room furniture surrounds the home with colourful solutions and unique silhouettes.
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Σχεδιασμός & Στυλ
How to transform a classic kitchen in to a modern one
Refurbishing your kitchen to create a welcoming and functional environment. Ideas for an ever-changing space, with a story to tell.
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Σχεδιασμός & Στυλ
Quality “Made in Italy”
Beauty and uniqueness, style and passion: “Made in Italy” has always been synonymous with quality and originality. And Scavolini certified furniture is an example of “(Well) Made in Italy”.
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Σχεδιασμός & Στυλ
The beauty boudoir: an ultra-classic or classic-contemporary bathroom
“Highlander” style bathroom furniture: a timeless classic. To be chosen pure or mixed with splashes of contemporary verve. The elegance of uniqueness.
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Σχεδιασμός & Στυλ
Generations compared: Dandy and Dandy Plus
A story that began in the past is given a new lease on life with present-day technologies. Dandy and Dandy Plus: two models with a pop soul!
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Σχεδιασμός & Στυλ
The mesmerising effects of bathroom coverings
Clean surfaces, prized decorations and natural inspiration. The well-being boudoir welcomes some unprecedented functions thanks to coverings devised specifically for the bathroom.
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Σχεδιασμός & Στυλ
Formalia, the pure form of elegance
The elegance of settings furnished with Scavolini’s new kitchen and living room model. Streamlined silhouettes and versatile furniture that accommodate unprecedented colours.
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Σχεδιασμός & Στυλ
60 years of history together
The kitchen first and the modern-day total look home: a story of faith and passion which illustrates how, from the kitchen to the bathroom, the walk-in wardrobe and the living room, we have become a home, together!
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Σχεδιασμός & Στυλ
Hi-tech solutions in the kitchen
6 ideas from the future to enjoy your kitchen smartly.
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Σχεδιασμός & Στυλ
Bathroom cabinet opening systems
Handles, recessed grip profiles, an array of solutions for every taste and requirement
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