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¿Quieres renovar el aspecto de la cocina, la sala de estar, el baño o la zona de noche? Decora la casa con Scavolini: inspírate en nuestras propuestas de decoración, déjate sorprender por los módulos multifunción y da rienda suelta a la imaginación creando espacios acordes con tu personalidad.
Consejos para amueblar
What’s the best way to furnish a living-area?
The key word is personalisation: from style to colours, from forms to materials, by way of accessories and ornamental features...
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Consejos para amueblar
In the kitchen...not just chairs
Stools too, in all materials and colours, creating special corners for sitting together
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Consejos para amueblar
Furnishing the bathroom: free-standing or vanity unit washbasins?
A solution for bath for all space requirements and all tastes
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Consejos para amueblar
Everything in its place in the bathroom
Don’t know where to hang a towel or keep nail lacquers and creams? Find out how to create a bathroom where everything is in its place!
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Consejos para amueblar
Is parquet a wise choice for the kitchen and bathroom?
Parquet is decorative, attractive and warm, but is it suitable for the kitchen and the bathroom?
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Consejos para amueblar
Sedie e sgabelli: comfort e design
Personalizza la tua cucina con la sedia giusta, puoi sceglierla tra un’ampia varietà di versioni, finiture e colori
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Consejos para amueblar
Choosing the right chair
A guide to choosing this element
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Consejos para amueblar
Furnish with green
The basic rules for creating green corners in your home
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Consejos para amueblar
Adjusting the Light Intensity
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Consejos para amueblar
Correct lighting solution
How light defines the purpose of a room
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Consejos para amueblar
Indoor blinds and curtains: fabrics and colours
Advice on finding just the right solution for you
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Consejos para amueblar
Indoor blinds and curtains: installation and assembly types
Advice on finding that perfect solution
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